Rowan Mcklain

An Expression of Writing and Self...

OK, So I have restarted this blog!
New layout, fresh posts and a new start!
Now, on to business. I am going to start posting some of my writing a bit more serious and with that said I'm also going to be posting everyday. I'm doing this in the hopes that not only will it prevent writers block, but possibly help me re-tune my writing. What can I say? A skill that has been neglected needs practice to be as wonderful as it once was.
As it stands, I finally have a job that will allow for me to write everyday. A job where for once I don't feel like taking that long walk of a short pier everyday. I can actually get up and be excited to work again, not tired and miserable... I also get to see my kids more as well. There's stress, challenges and best of all new skills to be learned. I will more than likely post one more post tonight updating the writing section and some of the other odds and ends.
I would also just like to say, I hope you enjoy blog and come away from it wiser, happier or interested... depending on the topic I felt like writing about at the time. Comments are welcome, as well as requests for Fan Fiction as long as they are topics listed on my profile.
Yes, I am still combining this site with my fan fiction writing as well because that writing is part of who I am creatively.

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I'm simple and to the point and I believe you should always say whats on your mind.

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